State Your Purpose, Blog/ger!


My name is Robert and through this blog I am excited to share with you my life and experiences as I move to Kenya for 12 months to serve as a Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) with the Presbyterian Church(USA).

I have just finished my second of three years at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary (APTS) in Austin, TX. So you may wonder why/how I am able to leave the country for a year with a year of seminary left. Well, I am taking a Leave of Absence from seminary for my YAV year and will return, complete my last year, and graduate in May of 2010. The main reason why I have chosen to take a year off from seminary and do this now rather than after I graduate is that I will have my final year of seminary to reflect theologically and spiritually on my experience in Kenya rather than attempting to deal with that at my first ordained position. I also believe that my experience in Kenya will help me mature and grow in my faith, rounding out my seminary education. So, there's that.

I have decided in order to get the ball rolling I will start blogging some this summer. Furthermore, this will allow actual content to exist as I attempt to tell people about it. I contend, it is difficult to tell people to go and check out a blog when it is just a blank page.

So, I hope you will join me in my journey by keeping up with me here and commenting when you feel so moved. Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions. Thanks.



Posted by RTQ at 9:51 AM  
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How does this work

Anonymous said...
Monday, July 21, 2008 at 7:46:00 PM GMT+3  

Well done, my virgin blogger friend, aside from all your lies! Mwa ha ha ha!

bcdees47 said...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 6:54:00 PM GMT+3  

Can I print your blog entries in Kairos? If not in entirety (depending on space) then as an intro and referral to the blog. I think your thoughts/reflections from Kenya would be a great addition (MEP's idea, I agree). Paul

PDD said...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at 4:56:00 AM GMT+3  

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