I'm Back, 09/09/09, and Twist and Shout


I'm still alive.  Sorry for the three week silence, but since I've returned to the States I've studied for and taken two ordination exams, moved back down to Austin, and started classes again yesterday.  I am working on my final posts for Europe and will post them tonight or tomorrow and then start blogging about being back.  Yep.

Today was quite the day!  Apple keynote by Steve Jobs with new iTunes, remastered Beatles, Obama's health care speech, and it being 09/09/09.  Cool, crazy day.  KGSR (one of the best radio stations I've ever listened to) played the remastered Beatles all afternoon and at one point Twist and Shout was played.  The DJ said that John Lennon would sing this song with such passion that he couldn't talk after singing it sometimes.  Somehow, I heard the song in a way I've never heard it before which led me to watch it on YouTube several times.  So, here you go.

Posted by RTQ at 6:38 AM  
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