Happy Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there.  I want to say a special happy Mother's Day to my beautiful loving mother!  Today, I blessed her with 26 phone calls because my skype kept cutting out every minute or less because of my slow internet connection.  I bet no other mothers out there can say that your child called you 26 times for Mother's Day.  That's an original Mother's Day gift right there!

I don't want to write a lot of gushy bo-jazz, so I will write a normal amount of gushy bo-jazz... My mother is amazing!  She takes after her mom in being able to accomplish a ridiculous amount every day and say very wise things simply.  She has always been there for me from getting up at two in the morning when I was working on a paper in high school and needed English teacher mom's help to being there to watch every basketball game and sermon I've preached to answering the phone 26 times when I call in a day.  I'm a mama's boy and I'm not afraid to say it.  I love you very much mom!

Mom and me:

I also must say Happy Mother's Day to my Allen mother, Anne Gifford, and to my Austin mother, Sharon Weedon.  Thanks for being "my" mom away from my mom, Happy Mother's Day!


Posted by RTQ at 12:22 AM  
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